It will have to do. The housing itself is a miniature greenhouse for starting seeds. There are slats in the top to allow in air. She will be dining off Japanese soy sauce plates and her heat source is coming at her via a nasty old heating pad. I keep checking to make sure it is not too hot in there, but it seems to be fine. The bird seems to be perking up a little also. I guess we will just have to wait and see.
o-so-tired chickens napping after The Great Apple Core pursuit
Not knowing what types of birds I have is driving me insane. There are at least five different varieties of hens plus the double mystery freebie that Murray McMurray Hatchery threw in. I spent all day yesterday next to the brooder with my laptop, comparing pictures of breeds as chicks with my own. I did not have much luck. I am pretty sure that I have 5 Buff Orphingtons which is awesome. I really wanted some Buffs, but the site stated they were all sold out. And I am a gazillion percent positive that two of them are Turkens. After that, well I just have no idea. I am really confused by the 'rare' extra. I looked at a slew of photos, but could not tell. I hate surprises. I hate not knowing.
Mystery Chick
Enough about the chickens, let's talk about me not eating. Well, I am not eating. The end.
I really thought this fast would be a bit more of an interesting topic, but if all continues on in the way of today, then nope. Troy started it with me today too. He also has nothing to report.
Maybe mystery chick is a beautiful swan, just kidding
Maybe mystery chick is not a chick at all. Maybe mystery chick is actually a chipmunk - which is what it looks like.
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