Sunday, January 1, 2012

Resolutions a plenty.

Happiest of Happy New Year's to you my friend.  I love this time of year because it feels like everyone is thinking.  For a few days, people stop going through the motions and pause.  New Years resolutions require inner dialect, analyzing your past 365 days and contemplating your hopes for the future.  It is beautiful.  It is hopeful.  I usually do not make a resolution and choose to do my life pondering on or around my birthday, but last year I made an exception.  Last year's resolution was simple in statement, but more complex in action.  Goal for 2011:  To suck less.  For me this fit.  2010 was not the greatest of my years and I had many mistakes to make up for.  There was no aspect of my life that went untouched  and there was no part of my life that I wished to remain untouched by my resolution.  2011 was absolutely a less sucky year all the way around.  Many great things happened and I absolutely sucked at least a little less.  No, I am going to stand up proud and state loudly that I sucked A Lot less this year.  I think I stuck to my promises this year and I am proud of who I am today.  So, it is once again a new year.  A new promise is to be made and put out into the universe.  As I stated before, I do my inner turmoil thing on my birthday which was in November, so a more blanketed approach seems to work well for me on New Year's.  This year I want to care more.  I want to care more about every aspect of my life.  I want to care more for people, I want to care more about people, I want to care more about my jobs and family.  I want to care more for my passions.  I am sure you get the picture.

It has been a little busy around these parts and I have not had the chance to post my acts for the last three days.  Here is a simple listing, but I may need to go into more depth with a couple of these next week.  (I am super grateful to have this time to share with my kids while they are out on winter break, buuuutttt... I am also super grateful they will be heading back to school on Wednesday so I can get some things done.)

Thursday:  I gave a lovely but misguided woman a much needed haircut.  Okay, it was my Mom.  Believe it or not however I have never given the poor lady a free haircut before.  She looked good and felt better I think.  I should do that more often.

Friday:  We adopted a soldier!  I will expand on this in another post, but we just got her information and gathered up a large box full of goodies and sent them off to Afghanistan.  I filled it with candy and crap and some trashy American mags.  Later the same day I got an email from her that she is really into health and fitness.  Ooops.
*Extra - I took two of my favorite books and left them along with a note in front of our local bookstore for someone else to grab.
*Bonus X 2 - Each of my kids did a give also.  We went to the local bookstore where they spent some time searching and seeking out the perfect book for the kid in their classes that they get along least with and have had some issues with.  The plan is to wrap it up and include a note telling the child why they thought it would be enjoyed by them and also a few things that my children really like about that person.  We are hoping for change in those relationships.  They both used their own money to fund their gives.

Saturday: Colored a co-worker's hair.  Usually we exchange services, but I never collect.  I almost never get anything done at the salon which is kind of stupid since it is one of the perks, but I just cannot stand to sit there.

Tonight's I will tell you in advance since I will probably not have a chance to get back on here today.  It's lobster.  Each New Year's Day we have a tradition of buying live lobsters for each of our four family members and cooking them up for a festive dinner.  This year we invited my brother and his wife over to join us.  We have never done that before.  I placed an order for one extra lobster (my sister-in-law won't eat one so we will have to cook her a ribeye instead).  Troy and I have been stingy in the past in regards to sharing our family time.  We really enjoy it when it is just us four.  It is time to be giving of ourselves as well as our money though.  We shall see how this goes.

Daily Points - 12
Extra - 2
Bonus - 2