Our chicks arrived today!! They are so cute! This morning we received a call from the Post Office to come and pick them up. Off we trotted into our little town's mini Post Office; Marnie accompanied me inside. As soon as we stepped in the door we could hear the sweetest little chirps. Marnie was so excited as she told the lady at the desk what we were there for. We got them home and into their little mock breeder (which we made out of the kid's plastic pool). They adjusted easily and nicely. You would never know that they had spent the last 48 hours being bounced around the back of various mail trucks. I was a bit worried that they would not arrive all healthy, but I was wrong. I could not convince Marnie of this fact though. She sat on the table with the chicks for a good part of the afternoon - exclaiming that a chick has died every time one would close it's eyes to sleep. She is kind of obsessed with it actually. It's a little freaky.
Besides the obvious that we live on a farm that is mostly vacant (with the exception of the goats.) and it needs some life, I mostly got the chickens for eggs. I ordered the brown egg laying variety package. Yes, there is such a thing. The company that I purchased them from guarantees at least five varieties plus they throw in one free rare chick to boot. The kicker however is that they do not tell you what kind of chickens they sent you. They keep no record of it either. So now it is a waiting game. I have tried to compare them with pictures of the breeds, but it isn't really working. I have no idea. 26 chickens. There are two that I could identify because they are from some freak breed. Turkens are what they are named and they scare the bejesus out of me. There are no feathers on their necks at all and as adults they resemble those crazy creatures from 'Dark Crystal'. I hate anything that is hairless - like those icky hairless cats. Ew. There is a white one and a black one and they totally give me the heebie jeebies. It's too bad really. The rare chick is completely cute. I have no idea what it is either. I don't think that there is any assurance that it will be female like the rest of my gals, so I am sure it will be a rooster.
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